First we will prepare the cream to fill the pasta. Add ricotta cheese, frayed mozzarella, add grated Parmesan and salt. Mix with a little oil. Then we will prepare the basil pesto. Using mortar and pestle, reduce the garlic cream, then add the basil and then the pine nuts. Finally add the parmesan or pecorino (depending a bit 'taste) and extra virgin olive oil. Heat the bombardoni in abundant salted water, once al dente, fill with ricotta and buffalo cream. Bake for about 10 min. at 180 °. just long enough to make them slightly warm. Serve the bombardoni with a diced Pachino tomatoes sautéed in a pan with salt and extra virgin olive oil and with pesto basil pesto. Drizzle with a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil and decorate with some basil leaves. The pasta is excellent both served hot and cold.
a cura di farinalievitoefantasia