Scialatelli pasta with clams and artichokes

Product combined with the recipe

scialatelli Scatola 12 cf

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 600 g of fresh green Scialatelli pasta (parsley and basil)
  • 500 g of fresh clams
  • 2 artichokes (called mammarelle)
  • 6 tablespoons of extra virgin live olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 / 2 cup white wine
  • Pecorino Romano cheese
  • fresh parsley
  • salt.


Brown the garlic in oil, and when it gets a golden colour add artichokes cut into small slices, and cook for a few minutes, then add the wine, let evaporate. Finally add the clams, a little 'of parsley, a ladle of water (took from the boiling scialatelli) and cover the pan, and cook until the clams are open. Apart boil the scialatelli pasta in a large pot containing 6 liters of water, drain them al dente (about 8 min.) Then skip in a pan by adding cheese and fresh parsley. Serve hot.

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