Thick Leonessa Spaghettoni pasta with chickpea, codfish, lemon and coffee

Product combined with the recipe

Spaghettoni Scatola 20 cf

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 280g of Spaghettoni pasta
  • 200g of codfish
  • 100g of chickpeas
  • 20g of spring onions
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • toasted coffee beans
  • lemon peel
  • bacon
  • rosemary
  • broth
  • salt & pepper to taste


Soak the chickpeas in water and bicarbonate soda overnight. Cook them in lightly salted water. (Part will be used to create the cream with the rest left whole and peeled.) For the cream: Heat the olive oil in a saucepan along with the bacon, spring onion, and rosemary. Add the chickpeas and broth. Bring the composition to boil and then cream with a mixer and pass through a strainer to remove any impurities. Clean the codfish and cut into large pieces. Sauté for a few second in the oil and onions. Block the heat by adding broth. In the meantime, cook the Spaghettoni for approximately 8 minutes and then transfer to the codfish to complete the cooking. Add the chickpeas and parsley. Serve the Spaghettoni in a nest on the cream of chickpea, already plated and lightly grate the coffee beans and lemon peel to complete. WINE PAIRING: With the sweet overtones of the chickpea and pasta, coffee, lemon, rosemary and spring onion compliment the plate with a persistent flavor palate. The codfish adds acidity to the plate. A Vermentino from the Sardinia region compliments the plate perfectly with its bouquet of chamomile, jasmine, and bergamot orange along with vanilla notes and passion fruit. A combination with a strong and pleasing taste combination, strong and yet in perfect harmony.

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