Boil the pasta, mix it with the béchamel sauce and let it settle for a few minutes. In the meantime, prepare the sauce, fry half a sliced onion and a good portion of ground meat, add the tomato and salt and cook. meat with a little oil, salt and pepper and let it cool.Now that the ingredients have cooled we just have to form the timballini in this way: in a pastry rack resting on baking paper put the fusilli one at a time also covering the bottom, half the coppapasta add half mozzarella nibble, the meat, a little grated Asiago and continue to cover with other dough to the edge, continue in this way until the pasta is exhausted.Leave rest 10 ' in the freezer.Prepare the batter with flour and water (adjust according to how many timballini you need to prepare) and stir with a whisk to avoid any grumini.After that, put a pan on the fire with high sides with Peanut oil so as to dip all the timballino, extract them one at a time from the pastry ring and with the help of a pliers with wide edges immerse in the batter and then directly in hot oil, cook well and lay on paper towels. freshly fried with ragu'alla bolognese and a handful of grated Asiago.
by puffettaincucina