Tubes Pasat with fish soup sauce

Product combined with the recipe

Tubetti rigati Scatola 24 cf

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 350g of tubes Pasta Leonessa
  • 1 red mullet fish (medium size)
  • 1 weever-fish (medium size)
  • 150g of monkfish
  • 150 g of Shardfish
  • 150g of scorpion fish
  • 1 medium cuttlefish
  • 4 squids
  • 4 medium red prawns
  • 2 cherry tomatoes
  • 8 tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • salt and chilli to taste.


Clean all the fish carefully, fillet them. Cut them in four parts, taking care to leave the tails to the prawns. In a saucepan, fry 4 tablespoons of oil, 1 clove of garlic, fish bones and heads, and brown for about ten minutes. Add a liter of cold water, tomatoes cut into half, and let simmer for about two hours. After cooking, pass all through a tight sieve, and add salt to taste. Cook the pasta in boiling salted water. Meanwhile, in a large pan, cook in the remaining oil for a few minutes over high heat, an whole garlic, cuttlefish cut into 4 parts, the tails of shrimps, squids and the remaining fish slices. Drain the pasta al dente, add to the fish soup sauce and let cook until creamy. Serve in a bowl with the fish slices and decore with parsley. Wine Suggestion: This dish is a tribute to the traditional cuisine. We have used fishes that are perfect to make a soup: monkfish, red mullet, scorpion fish… the taste is balanced and the dish is also healthy having used the local tomatoes from vesuvius. This dish goes well with a red wine (light), like a Piedirosso from Campi Flegrei or St. Agatha of the Goths.

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