Boil the asparagus previously trimmed, let them cool and then cut into pieces, taking care to leave 4 tips for decoration. Brown a clove of garlic in oil, add pumpkin cut into cubes and the chilli and keep cooking in a covered pan for 10 minutes on a high flame, taking care not to attack it by adding a little 'of vegetable stock. Then blend all until you get a smooth and homogeneous cream, add more vegetable stock if it needs. Apart in a pan brown the garlic in oil, add the shrimp and asparagus, cherry tomatoes and cook for 5 minutes. Boil the gnocchi in salted water, and when they surface off, add to sauce sprinkling parmesan cheese on top. Serve the potato dumplings on a lay of pumpkin sauce. Garnish with asparagus tips. WINE: Asprino d'Aversa