Bombardoni au gratin with cabbage and buffalo mozzarella

Product combined with the recipe

bombardoni Scatola 10 cf

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 220g of Leonessa bombardoni
  • 1 white cabbage
  • 1 / 2L of slow béchamel
  • 1 buffalo mozzarella DOP of 200g
  • grated parmesan
  • For the bechamel sauce:
  • 1 / 2L of milk
  • 20 / 25g of butter
  • 20 / 25g of flour 00
  • nutmeg
  • Salt to taste


Clean and wash the cabbage, cut the tops and cook in boiling salted water for about ten minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the bechamel. For the bechamel sauce: I boiled the milk with the coarse salt in a pan while in another I prepared the rue with butter and flour, to which I also added nutmeg. I cooked the rue for a couple of minutes, after which I added it all together with the boiling milk and I immediately mixed with a whisk and I left it cooking over a low heat for about ten minutes. After this time I passed to the minipimer 1/3 of the cabbage with a bit of béchamel sauce and I joined the remaining béchamel, I put everything on the stove and cooked for a couple of minutes more. At this point I began to heat the oven to 180 degrees and I dived the bombardoni in boiling salted water (if you want you can use the same cooking water of the cabbage) and cook for 7 minutes (usually require 14/16 minutes of cooking). Once the bombardones had been drained, I started to assemble the pan to put in the oven, sprinkle some cabbage flavored béchamel sauce on the bottom of the pan and cover with half the dough and sprinkle over the whole surface pieces of ragged mozzarella with hands and cabbage tops and cover with some béchamel sauce; make a second layer as the first (ie: pasta, pieces of mozzarella, cabbage tops) and finish with all the remaining béchamel and with Parmesan cheese to taste. Bake for 25/30 minutes.
a cura di dolcideemuffin

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