Before putting the water to boil for the pasta, prepare the candied lemon peel. Take the lemon peel with a potato peeler and cut into strips. Put a small pot on the stove with enough water to cover the lemon peel and, as soon as it boils, pour the peel and boil for three minutes, then drain and repeat this process two more times, in order to remove the bitterness. Put the water with the sugar in a saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally to melt the sugar. Pour the lemon peel and cook for about ten minutes or at least up to the degree of transparency you prefer. Allow to cool on a sheet of parchment paper. Cook the pasta in boiling salted water. Meanwhile, melt the anchovy fillets in a saucepan able to contain all the pasta and add the whipped mozzarella with a little of its whey. Drain the pasta al dente and put it in the saucepan with the buffalo and anchovies. Bring the pasta to cooking, stirring, then add the lemon zest taken with the rigalimoni. Serve accompanying with candied lemon peel. Savor the taste of the sun.
a cura di anexperimentalcook